One of the perks of this job is getting analytical opportunties that are cutting edge. In the coming weeks I’ll fortunate to have some of my 3D-printed samples investigated by our colleagues at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). For this, Dr. Gustavo F. Trindade, a Senior Research Scientist of NPL and a former co-worker of mine at CfAM, will be using ToF-OrbiSIMS to quantify what is happening at the interface of two of our sequentially-printed ink-jet electronic materials. A very exciting aspect of this study is that Dr. Trindade will be employing a new technique within the Tof-OrbiSIM, allowing him to investigate a junction between a soft and stiff material: a serious challenge. I can’t discuss the details of the method, but I’ve seen some preliminary results, and now I’m excited to see what my junctions look like and how we can better control them for higher quality electronics.